
Glasgow to London

Save 61% on average when you buy in advance

Trains from Glasgow to London

London is one of the biggest cities in Europe and a must-visit for all travellers with no shortage of things to do. The journey from Glasgow to London is a tranquil trip covering 345 miles (555 km) and will take you through the Scottish countryside before making your way into the busy city centre of London. So, whether you're travelling to London for the first time or a seasoned traveller coming down to the city for work, Rail Online can help you find affordable tickets easily.

From the rugged and stunning north, this journey from Glasgow to London will take you only 4 hours and 28 minutes on direct services. There are 49 trains that run along this line daily, providing plenty of choices when it comes to your departure time. Tickets from Glasgow to London start from £32.80*, leaving more than enough of your travel budget to tick off London restaurants and stores to visit.

Whether you're travelling for business or looking to explore London's shopping, nightlife and historical centres, Rail Online can help you find affordable and stress-free train tickets for your travels.


How to Find Cheap Train Tickets from Glasgow to London

Whether you're travelling down to London for work or want to spend a weekend exploring the many cultural and historical sights making sure you find the cheapest tickets available is always a top priority on any traveller's list.

For those that want to find the most cost-effective solution to their travel, here are a few tips to help you out.

  • Get a Railcard: Save up to 1/3 on eligible journeys for a whole year.
  • Book in advance: Most train companies in the UK usually release tickets 12 weeks in advance.
  • Travel Off-Peak: Tickets are usually cheaper during quieter times on weekdays and weekends compared to Peak times.
  • Use GroupSave: If you're travelling in a group of 3-9 people, you can save up to 34% on eligible journeys at Off-Peak and Super Off-Peak times.

Now that you know the simple tips to find the cheapest train tickets available from Glasgow to London, it's time to use Rail Online to find the right departure time and cost to fit your needs. You can find a current train timetable list and even organise your trip back home, and future trips like Glasgow to Edinburgh on our website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for more information about your future trip from undefined? Our team at Rail Online have the answers to all your questions.

How long does the train from Glasgow to London take?

Travelling from Glasgow to London will take an average of 5 hours and 41 minutes, with around 49 trains running acros s a single day. This time may change on weekends and holidays.

How much does the train from Glasgow to London cost?

Travelling from Glasgow to London, you can find tickets for as little as £34. However, if you want to find the cheape st train tickets, we recommend booking up to 12 weeks in advance. Your ticket will also vary depending on your departure time, class and route chosen.

What time does the first train from Glasgow to London leave?

The earliest train that leaves on the journey from Glasgow to London is at 03:26. This may change on weekends and hol idays.

What's the distance between Glasgow and London by train?

Travelling from Glasgow to London will cover 345 miles (555 km).

Is the train from Glasgow to London Scenic?

Yes, it is. On the journey from Glasgow to London, you'll find the most scenic views within the first two hours of yo ur departure. The rail line will follow Beattock summit with views of distant mountains and rolling green hills to be en joyed.

Is there wifi available on trains from Glasgow to London?

You'll find free wifi among various train companies on your journey from Glasgow to London – just look out for the bl ue wifi sign on the door of your carriage when onboard.

What's the fastest journey time between Glasgow and London by train?

The fastest train from Glasgow to London will take 4 hours and 28 minutes. There may be changes in these direct lines across weekends and holiday periods.

Is there a direct train from Glasgow to London?

Yes, there are direct trains available between Glasgow and London. The frequency of these trains may change throughou t weekend and holiday periods.

What time does the last train from Glasgow to London leave?

The latest train that leaves on the journey from Glasgow to London is at 23:40. This may change on weekends and holid ays.

How often do trains run from Glasgow to London?

You can find up to 49 trains running in a single day from Glasgow to London; these frequencies may change through wee kend and holiday periods.

What's the difference between 1st and 2nd classes?

You can choose first-class or standard seating when travelling from Glasgow to London. First class offers access to t he first-class lounges in Glasgow and London, as well as complimentary snacks and drinks. First class will also receive more legroom, wider seats and more. On the other hand, standard seats will only have access to a frequent snack and trol ley bar.

How much C02 will I save by taking this train journey?

When choosing your method of travelling it's important to look at the price and environmental impact of your travel m ode. By choosing train travel over flying, you can save up to 135.3kg of C02. When compared to driving, you can save aro und 52.1kg of C02.
