
Glasgow to Edinburgh

Save 61% on average when you buy in advance

Trains from Glasgow to Edinburgh

Edinburgh is one of the many cities in the UK worth a visit. Filled with historical buildings from Roman times, this city blends the old and new to create a unique destination for all travellers.

The fastest journey from Glasgow to Edinburgh takes only 59 minutes, covering a distance of 42 miles (67 km). So whether you're making the way to Edinburgh for a weekend away or travelling for work with up to 87 trains running along this route in a single day, you’ll find a convenient departure time and cost for your travels.

With tickets costing as little as £7.10*, Rail Online is here to help you find plenty of freedom within your travel budget. We present you with the cheapest tickets available from Glasgow to Edinburgh so you can spend more time and money exploring the sights and cultural aspects of Edinburgh's great city.


How to Find Cheap Train Tickets from Glasgow to Edinburgh

At Rail Online, we understand that finding the most cost-effective and convenient tickets can create a stress-free experience for all travellers. This is exactly why our goal is always to provide you with the best price possible when travelling from Glasgow to Edinburgh.

For those that want to find the most cost-effective solution to their travel, here are a few tips to help you out.

  • Get a Railcard: Save up to 1/3 on eligible journeys for a whole year.
  • Book in advance: Most train companies in the UK usually release tickets 12 weeks in advance.
  • Travel off-peak: Tickets are usually cheaper during quieter times on weekdays and weekends compared to Peak times.
  • Use GroupSave: If you're travelling in a group of 3-9 people, you can save up to 34% on eligible journeys at Off-Peak and Super Off-Peak times.

Whether you’re travelling for work or leisure, you now have all the tips to find the cheapest tickets for your trip. Now all that's left to do is jump on Rail Online and put your new knowledge to the test to find the most affordable tickets and convenient departure time for your Glasgow to Edinburgh trip. You can find a current train timetable list and even organise your trip back home from Edinburgh to Glasgow on our website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for more information about your future trip from undefined? Our team at Rail Online have the answers to all your questions.

How long does the train take from Glasgow Queen Street to Edinburgh (Waverley)?

The train from Glasgow to Edinburgh (Glasgow Queen Street to Waverly) takes an average of 1 hour and 19 minutes, but for those that want to reach their destination asap,direct lines can take only 59 minutes. These times and durations may change during weekend and holiday periods.

How much does the train cost from Glasgow Queen Street to Edinburgh (Waverley)?

The cheapest tickets from Glasgow to Edinburgh start from £7.10 when booked in advance. If you want to find the most affordable tickets for your trip, we recommend buying tickets up to 12 weeks beforehand.The cost of your tickets may cha nge depending on your departure time, class and route selected.

What time does the first train leave from Glasgow Queen Street to Edinburgh (Waverley)?

The first train that leaves from Glasgow to Edinburgh departs at 05:45. This departure time may change on weekends an d holiday periods.

What's the distance between Glasgow Queen Street and Edinburgh (Waverley) by train?

The distance between Glasgow to Edinburgh is approximately 42 miles (67 km).

Is there wifi available on trains from Glasgow to Edinburgh?

ScotRail trains offer free wifi on their carriages and stations between Glasgow and Edinburgh. Once boarding your tra in,you can check the wifi is enabled by checking your connection to the ScotRail network and following the login instruc tions on screen.

What's the fastest journey time between Glasgow Queen Street and Edinburgh (Waverley) by train?

The fastest trip duration between Glasgow to Edinburgh can be as quick as 59 minutes. These times and durations may c hange through weekend and holiday periods.

Is there a direct train from Glasgow Queen Street to Edinburgh (Waverley)?

Yes, up to 26 direct trains will take you from Glasgow to Edinburgh without stopping. However, it's important to reme mber that there may be fewer direct trains depending on your departure time and date, especially on weekends and holiday s.

What time does the last train from Glasgow Queen Street to Edinburgh (Waverley) leave?

The last train that leaves from Glasgow to Edinburgh departs at 23:38. This departure time may change on weekends and holiday periods.

What's the difference between 1st and 2nd classes?

While standard seating from Glasgow to Edinburgh will include various seating layouts, luggage storage and trolley se rvice. First-class,on the other hand, will provide a quieter environment with just 32 seats, luxurious large leather rec lining seats, extra legroom and complimentary food and drinks served to your seat subject to availability.

How much C02 will I save by taking this train journey?

When travelling from Glasgow to Edinburgh, you can save a substantial amount of C02 when compared to flying. By choos ing to take the train instead of a plane, you can save up to 135.3kg of C02 and 52.1kg when compared to driving.
