
Welwyn Garden City to London

Save 61% on average when you buy in advance

Trains from Welwyn Garden City to London

Travel quickly and comfortably between Welwyn Garden City and London by travelling by train. With 236 trains running daily between Welwyn Garden City and London, you’ve got plenty of choices when it comes to picking a journey time that suits your schedule. Welwyn Garden City is around 21 miles (33 km) from the centre of London, and depending on your date and time of travel, you can reach the bustling capital from around 22 minutes. For the journey from Welwyn Garden City to London, you can find tickets from £9.90*. Take a relaxing ride through London’s picturesque northern suburbs from Welwyn Garden City before arriving and disembarking in the city's centre.


Find affordable tickets from Welwyn Garden City to London with Rail Online

For a truly enjoyable experience crisscrossing the country, travel by rail. Whether you’re heading from Welwyn Garden City to London or from London to anywhere in England, the train provides an exciting and eco-friendly way to explore the country.

At Rail Online, we know the importance of finding an affordable ticket. We have some money-saving tips that can help you find the best fare available to you

  • Most train carriers make tickets available at least 12 weeks before departure, so booking in advance is a great way to find cheaper fares
  • Doing a lot of train travel? Look into purchasing a Railcard. A Railcard can save you up to 1/3 on eligible trips across the UK.
  • If you’re flexible with your time on travel, travelling during off-peak times means you’ll have access to lower fares (and a more peaceful journey!)
  • Travel in a group and save! If you’re travelling in a group of 3-9 people, you can utilise GroupSave. Save up to 34% on eligible off-peak and super off-peak fares

Rail Online’s online platform allows you to plan your complete journey and have a rewarding train travel experience from start to finish. We’re here to help with any questions you have about planning your budget-friendly train journey - including return tickets from London to Welwyn Garden City

Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for more information about your future trip from undefined? Our team at Rail Online have the answers to all your questions.

What to expect on your journey from Welwyn Garden City to London?

You can travel from Welwyn Garden City to London with several different operators, depending on where you’d like to a light in London. If you’re looking for something central, Great Northern operates trains that stop at Moorgate station i n the east of central London, putting you close to the Barbican, Liverpool Street, and Spitalfields Market. Thameslink o perates a service that alights in the northern part of London at London St Pancras or London Kings Cross - within walkin g distance of the British Library and the British Museum.

Is there WiFi available on trains from Welwyn Garden City to London?

Generally, all train operators provide free WiFi onboard their trains. If you find that WiFi isn’t available on your journey from Welwyn Garden City to London, most rail stations in the UK have free WiFi available, so you can log in as s oon as you arrive.

What's the fastest journey time between Welwyn Garden City to London by train?

The fastest journey time between Welwyn Garden City and London is 22 minutes, usually arriving at London Kings Cross station on a Thameslink train.

Is there a direct train from Welwyn Garden City to London?

Yes, there are direct train options available from Welwyn Garden City to London, depending on the time and date you’d like to travel.

What time does the first train from Welwyn Garden City to London leave?

The first train usually leaves Welwyn Garden City for London at 03:00. Direct services from Welwyn Garden City to Lon don are available, but not all trains will follow a direct route - make sure you consider this when planning your journe y.

What's the distance between Welwyn Garden City to London by train?

The distance between Welwyn Garden City to London via train is around 21 miles (33 km).

What's the difference between 1st and 2nd classes?

If you are considering first class you can access a serene carriage with ample legroom and cozy seats. Additionally, if available, you will relish the convenience of having your meals and beverages served directly to you. First Class tic kets also include expedited boarding and access to exclusive lounges at designated stations. If First Class is not feasi ble for you, you can be assured that Second Class remains an excellent option for a comfortable and pleasurable trip.

How long does the train from Welwyn Garden City to London take?

Depending on the time of day and rail provider you choose to travel with, it can take from 22 minutes to just under 1 hour to reach London from Welwyn Garden City.

How much does the train from Welwyn Garden City to London cost?

The average price for a Standard train ticket from Welwyn Garden City to London is £9.90*, though this price is subje ct to change depending on the time and day you travel. First Class tickets are an option on selected trains, with prices starting at £22.10*.

How many trains travel the Welwyn Garden City to London journey daily?

On average, there are around 236 trains traveling the Welwyn Garden City to London route daily.

What time does the last train from Welwyn Garden City to London leave?

The last train from Welwyn Garden City to London leaves at 00:30, although this can change depending on the date you are booked for travel.

How much cO2 will I save by taking this train journey?

Train travel is a well-known eco-friendly travel option. When travelling by train from Welwyn Garden City to London, you’ll save 4.54kg of CO2 compared to travelling by car.


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