
London to Welwyn garden city

Save 61% on average when you buy in advance

Trains from London to Welwyn Garden City

Nestled in the heart of Hertfordshire, Welwyn Garden City is a delightful destination that offers an array of lifestyle and travel highlights. Visitors can immerse themselves in the town's rich history and take a stroll through the stunning parks and gardens. Discover the unique architecture of the town, admire the impressive local art, or take a relaxing break at one of the many cafes and restaurants. Whether you're looking for a day trip or a weekend getaway, Welwyn Garden City is the perfect place to unwind and enjoy the beauty of the English countryside.

Travelling by train from London to Welwyn Garden City is a short trip taking only 21 minutes that will not only save your budget but become a more environmentally friendly way to travel. With around 303 trains running daily along this 21 miles (33 km) journey, travellers can find tickets for as little as £10.42* with Rail Online: get your life on track.


Cheap train tickets from London to Welwyn Garden City

At Rail Online, we know that finding the best deals on train fares is crucial to enjoying your travels to the fullest. If you're looking to save even more on your next trip, don't worry, we've got you covered. Check out our tips to make sure you get the absolute most from your travel budget while fitting your needs.

  • Get a Railcard: Using a Railcard can save you up to a third on qualifying trips for an entire year. Plus, when you pair it up with an Oyster card, you can enjoy discounted travel all over the UK.
  • Book in advance: It's always a good idea to plan ahead when it comes to train travel in the UK. By making the most of early ticket releases - which can be available up to 12 weeks in advance - you'll be able to save yourself time, money, and unnecessary stress.
  • Travel off-peak: Opt for an off-peak journey and steer clear of the rush-hour hustle and bustle. This approach offers great value for money and can also result in a stress-free travel experience.
  • Utilise GroupSave: Travelling with a group of friends? Make sure to consider Off-Peak and Super Off-Peak fares to save up to 34% on eligible journeys for groups of 3 to 9 people.

Whether you want to make sure your train arrives right on time, find the right train carrier for your needs or are just looking to find a simple spot to book your next holiday, including your return trip from Welwyn Garden City back home to London, Rail Online has everything you need.

Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for more information about your future trip from undefined? Our team at Rail Online have the answers to all your questions.

How long does the train from London to Welwyn Garden City take?

It usually takes as little as 21 minutes to reach Welwyn Garden City from London. Depending on your departure time an d route option, this journey can take up to 36 minutes.

How much does the train from London to Welwyn Garden City cost?

Getting from London to Welwyn Garden City costs as little as £10.42* from Rail Online. The cost of your ticket will r eflect the seating option you choose, departure time and date of purchase and, therefore, may change from this outlined price.

What time does the first train from London to Welwyn Garden City leave?

The first train leaves from London towards Welwyn Garden City at 04:26. This gives travellers plenty of time to reach the destination before the day begins. However, it's important to remember that the first destination leaving London to wards Welwyn Garden City may change across the weekends and holiday seasons.

What's the distance between London to Welwyn Garden City by train?

The train from London to Welwyn Garden City travels 21 miles (33 km).

Can you plan a day trip from London to Welwyn Garden City?

Yes, you can easily make a day trip from London to Welwyn Garden City. Trains regularly leave from London, and the jo urney takes only 21 minutes to complete, making it a simple trip. Once you arrive, there are plenty of things to see and do in this charming town. You can explore the beautiful gardens at Welwyn Garden City's Stanborough Park or visit the f amous Shaws Corner, the former home of playwright George Bernard Shaw. For those interested in history, the Welwyn Roman Baths offer a glimpse into the area's Roman past. And of course, there are plenty of shops, cafes, and restaurants to d iscover too. All in all, it's a great day out!

What's the fastest journey time between London to Welwyn Garden City by train?

The fastest journey time between London and Welwyn Garden City takes as little as 21 minutes. This journey time may c hange across weekends and holiday periods, as well as your departure time.

Is there a direct train from London to Welwyn Garden City?

Yes, there are around 303 direct trains that run daily from London to Welwyn Garden City. While this gives travellers plenty of options to suit their itinerary, the frequency of these trains may change across weekend and holiday periods.

What time does the last train from London to Welwyn Garden City leave?

The last train that leaves from London to Welwyn Garden City is at 01:40. This late-night departure provides flexibil ity for travellers who want to get the most from their stay and leave as soon as possible. Just remember that this last train departure time may change across weekends and holidays.

How much cO2 will I save by taking this train journey?

If you're thinking about traveling, going by train is a super eco-friendly choice! When you journey from London to We lwyn Garden City, you'll be doing your bit for the environment and can reduce up to 90% of the pollution you'd create by driving there instead.

Is there Wi-Fi available on trains from London to Welwyn Garden City?

Most trains that run from London to Welwyn Garden City will have Wi-Fi Available on board for both first and second-c lass passengers. Trains that have free Wi-Fi for travelers will be marked with a blue Wi-Fi logo sticker that can be see n on the door as you walk on board.


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