
London to Glasgow

Save 61% on average when you buy in advance

Trains from London to Glasgow

Travelling to Glasgow from London by train is an affordable and convenient way for all travellers. Whether you’re going on a business trip or a short holiday, Rail Online will help you find the cheapest train fare to make the most of your trip. On average, the train journey from London to Glasgow takes around 5 hours and 38 minutes; if you opt for the fastest service, you can reach Glasgow in just 4 hours and 29 minutes. There are at least 56 direct trains running from London to Glasgow daily, so rest assured that you can find a departure time that fits your schedule. Your journey will see you starting at the iconic King’s Cross station (riding with London North Eastern Railway (LNER) and Lumo) or Euston station (travelling with Avanti West Coast) and arriving at Glasgow Queen Street or Central station.

Find tickets for your London trip from as little as £25.07* with Rail Online today.


Cheap train tickets from London to Glasgow

At Rail Online, we understand the benefits of finding budget-friendly train fares to make the most of your travel plans. Other than choosing Rail Online as your ticketing platform, you can follow these tips to find the cheapest train ticket for your next trip.

  • Get a Railcard: This can save up to one-third of your costs across eligible journeys for a whole year.
  • Book in advance: Booking in advance will help you find the cheapest tickets. Most UK train companies release tickets up to 12 weeks in advance.
  • Travel off-peak: Travelling off-peak is the simplest way to save on your tickets. If you have flexible departure times, consider travelling during off-peak hours.
  • Use GroupSave: If you catch a train from London to Glasgow more than 3 times per week, you could save money with a Season Ticket. Choose between an annual, monthly or weekly pass.
  • Use season ticket: If you catch a train from London to Glasgow more than 3 times per week, you could save money with a Season Ticket. Choose between an annual, monthly or weekly pass.

Get train-spired and head to our website to buy your ticket to Glasgow today. An opportunity to enjoy scenic views, the train journey from London to Glasgow will take you through the beautiful English countryside along the way. Trust Rail Online as your best destination for cheap train fares in the UK - from London to Bristol, Glasgow and Manchester; rest assured that you can find tickets that suit your preferences and needs with us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for more information about your future trip from undefined? Our team at Rail Online have the answers to all your questions.

How long does the train from London to Glasgow take?

Depending on your travel date and chosen route, the average journey time from London to Glasgow may take anywhere fro m 4 hours and 29 minutes to 5 hours and 38 minutes. You should note that your train may take longer to reach Glasgow on the weekend and public holidays.

How much does the train from London to Glasgow cost?

At Rail Online, we pride ourselves on offering affordable train tickets for your London to Edinburgh trip. Our ticket s can start from £25.07 but may change depending on your departure time, route, class and time of booking.

What time does the first train from London to Glasgow leave?

You can catch the first train from London at 03:47. Times and services may vary during weekends and holidays.

What's the distance between London and Glasgow by train?

There is a distance of 345 miles (555 km) to cover between London and Glasgow.

How many daily trains are there from London to Glasgow?

On average, 56 direct trains run from London to Glasgow every day. However, this may change on the weekend or public holidays.

When should you book your train tickets from London to Glasgow?

If you’re looking for tickets with the best value for money, we recommend buying your tickets at least a few months b efore your travel date.Train tickets in the UK are usually available for booking around 3 months in advance. If the book ing isn’t open, you can always sign up to receive an email once the cheapest tickets are available for your train journe y.

What to expect on your journey from London to Liverpool?

You can enjoy various amenities during your journey, including a bar carriage that offers snacks and drinks to purcha se, various seating options, free WiFi connection, plug sockets and a luggage rack. However, different train carriers ma y offer different amenities on board, so it’s best to double-check when buying your tickets

Is there WiFi available on trains from London to Liverpool?

Generally, all train companies offer complimentary WiFi connection on board.

What's the fastest journey time between London and Glasgow by train?

It takes 4 hours and 29 minutes to travel by high-speed or direct train from London to Glasgow Central.

Is there a direct train from London to Glasgow?

Yes, direct train journeys are available each day for those who want to reach Glasgow as soon as possible. However, t hese train routes may be more limited in the services and times available. They will depend on your exact departure date .

What time does the last train from London to Glasgow leave?

The last train you can catch on your journey from London to Edinburgh leaves at 23:50, although this may change on we ekends and holidays. There may be sleeper services available for both late-night and early-morning departures.

How often do trains depart from London to Glasgow?

Trains departing from London to Glasgow leave approximately every hour.

Where does the London to Glasgow train stop?

The train from London to Glasgow will either stop at Glasgow Central station or Glasgow Queen Street station.

Which train companies operate between London and Glasgow?

When you’re travelling from London to Glasgow by train, you can choose to travel with Avanti West Coast, London North Eastern Railways (LNER) or Caledonian Sleeper.

What's the difference between 1st and 2nd classes?

If you like a bit of privacy on your train journey, we recommend purchasing 1st Class tickets. These tickets afford y ou spacious seating, plug sockets, USB ports and complimentary meals and drinks. In addition, you’ll also be able to enj oy the First Class lounge at certain stations.However, if you simply want a cost-effective way of getting from London to Liverpool, 2nd Class tickets will still suffice.

How much C02 will I save by taking this train journey?

Choosing to take the train on your journey from London to Glasgow can see you saving up to 7 times the amount of C02 when compared to flying. On this particular journey, you can save up to 136.4kg of C02 when compared to flying and 52.5k g of C02 when compared to driving.
