
Edinburgh to Glasgow

Save 61% on average when you buy in advance

Trains from Edinburgh (Waverley) to Glasgow

Switch the traditional buildings in Edinburgh for a lively art and cultural scene in Glasgow! Whether you’re travelling on a short business trip or a short getaway, Rail Online will help you find the cheapest train fares for your travel plans. A convenient solution for busy professionals and new visitors, the stations in both cities are located in the city centre and easily accessible. With around 86 direct trains running daily, you can easily find a train that fits your schedule.

An average train journey from Edinburgh (Waverley) to Glasgow Queen Street varies from around 44 minutes to 1 hour and 7 minutes. Without making any changeovers along the way, you can simply relax and enjoy a captivating view from your window as the train journeys through the beautiful West Lothian countryside.

Find tickets for your Glasgow trip from as little as £7.10* with Rail Online today.


Cheap train tickets from Edinburgh (Waverley) to Glasgow Queen Street

At Rail Online, we understand the benefits of finding budget-friendly train fares to make the most of your travel plans. Other than choosing Rail Online as your ticketing platform, you can follow these tips to find the cheapest train ticket for your next trip.

  • Get a Railcard: This can save up to one-third of your costs across eligible journeys for a whole year.
  • Book in advance: Booking in advance will help you find the cheapest tickets. Most UK train companies release tickets up to 12 weeks in advance.
  • Travel off-peak: Travelling off-peak is the simplest way to save on your tickets. If you have flexible departure times, consider travelling during off-peak hours.

Whether it’s for a day trip or a long weekend, Glasgow offers a variety of activities to suit different types of travellers. From world-class art exhibitions to exciting nightlife and local markets, the list is endless! Get train-spired and head to our website to buy your ticket to Glasgow today. At Rail Online, we also offer a range of affordable train tickets from Edinburgh to other cities in the UK, including London, Newcastle, Aberdeen and more.

Exploring Glasgow

Travelling around the city

If you’re new to Glasgow, figuring out how to navigate the city is the last thing you need to worry about! With convenient and affordable transport available, you can take the underground subway to explore the West End and city centre areas, or take the buses (which travel to the outskirts of Glasgow as well). You can also hop on a City Sightseeing Bus to discover all the top tourist attractions in Glasgow and learn the ins and outs of the City of Music from the friendly tour guides.

Shopping Centres

With three city shopping centres, quirky gift shops, vintage boutiques and weekend markets, Glasgow is undoubtedly an excellent destination for shopping enthusiasts. From high street brands to independent businesses, you can find unique souvenirs that commemorate your trip to Glasgow

Arts & Culture

As a UNESCO-designated City of Music, Glasgow is full of vibrant and contemporary arts and cultural scenes. Home to internationally renowned performing arts companies, world-leading museum collections and plenty of art galleries and music venues, Glasgow offers a wide range of authentic experiences for those with a strong interest in art.

Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for more information about your future trip from undefined? Our team at Rail Online have the answers to all your questions.

How long does the train journey take from Edinburgh (Waverley) to Glasgow Queen Street?

On average, it should take about 1 hour and 7 minutes to travel from Edinburg (Waverley) to Glasgow Queen Street. How ever, the journey time may take longer on peak travel times. If you’re planning to travel on weekends or holidays, it’s recommended to search for your specific travel date for more accurate information.

How much does it cost to travel from Edinburgh (Waverley) to Glasgow Queen Street?

At Rail Online, we’re proud to offer affordable train tickets for your Edinburgh to Glasgow trip. Our tickets can sta rt from £7.10 but may change depending on your departure date, route, class and time of booking. Most UK train carriers increase their prices closer to the departure date, so we recommend booking a few months or weeks in advance to find the cheapest ticket fare.

When does the first train from Edinburgh (Waverley) to Glasgow Queen Street leave?

You can catch the first train from Edinburgh (Waverley) to Glasgow Queen Street at 05:18. But the departure times are subject to change on weekends and holidays.

What's the distance between Edinburgh (Waverley) and Glasgow Queen Street by train?

The train journey from Edinburgh to Glasgow covers a distance of 42 miles (67 km).

What amenities are available onboard trains from Edinburgh to Glasgow?

You can access many amenities on your train journey from Edinburgh to Glasgow, including at-seat service that offers snacks and drinks, a variety of seating options, free WiFi connection, plug sockets to charge your electronic devices an d ample space for your luggage.

Does Queen Street station have family areas?

Queen Street Station offers numerous family-friendly amenities to ensure your journey is convenient. Whether you’re l ooking for a place to wait and relax or a play area to entertain your children, the station offers reliable facilities t hat accommodate family travellers.

What's the difference between 1st and 2nd classes?

1st Class coaches offer more spacious seating with extra legroom and reclining features. 1st Class tickets usually co me with complimentary refreshments on board, as well as access to exclusive lounges at selected stations. However, if yo u’re looking for a cheaper option, seats in 2nd class coaches also offer an enjoyable train journey. 2nd Class usually o ffers seating options with front-facing chairs or group seating with tables and frequent food trolleys on your journey.

How much C02 will I save by taking this train journey?

While travelling from Edinburgh to Glasgow is a short trip choosing an environmentally friendly mode of transport (tr ains) will save up to 6.1kg of C02 when compared to driving.


What's the fastest journey time between Edinburgh (Waverley) and Glasgow Queen Street by train?

The fastest train journey between Edinburgh (Waverley) and Glasgow takes roughly about 44 minutes.

Is there a direct train from Edinburgh (Waverley) to Glasgow Queen Street?

Yes, there are direct trains travelling from Edinburgh (Waverley) to Glasgow Queen Street. However, there may be fewe r direct services on particular days, so the availability depends on your exact travel date.

When does the last train from Edinburgh (Waverley) to Glasgow Queen Street leave?

You can catch the latest train from Edinburgh to Glasgow at 23:45, although this may change during the weekend or hol idays. Sleeper services may be available for late-night and early-morning departures.

How many trains a day are there from Edinburgh (Waverley) to Glasgow Queen Street?

Edinburgh (Waverley) to Glasgow Queen Street is a popular route, which is why there are at least 86 direct trains run ning on this line every day.

Does Glasgow Queen Street have step-free access?

Glasgow Queen Street station offers step-free options for those in need of assistance. We recommend you request assis tance booking in advance (usually up to 2 hours before your departure time at any time of the day).

Is Queen Street station far from the city centre?

Glasgow Queen Street station is located right in the centre of Glasgow, so you won’t have to walk far to get to the c ity centre.

Is there free WiFi service on trains from Edinburgh to Glasgow?

Most train lines from Edinburgh to Glasgow offer free, fast and unlimited WiFi connection on board.