
London to Leeds

Save 61% on average when you buy in advance

Trains from London to Leeds

Travelling to Leeds from London by train is an affordable and convenient option for all travellers. Whether you’re going on a business trip or a holiday, Rail Online will help you find the most cost-effective solution for your travel plans. Depending on the route, the train journey from London to Leeds may take anywhere from 2 hours to 2 hours and 50 minutes. With 39 daily train services running on this line, you’ll easily find a train that fits your preferences. Travellers will usually depart from, King’s Cross station travelling with LNER, and arrive at Leeds railway station.

Find tickets for your London trip from as little as £16.60* with Rail Online today.


Cheap train tickets from London to Leeds

At Rail Online, we understand the benefits of finding budget-friendly train fares to make the most of your travel plans. Other than choosing Rail Online as your ticketing platform, you can follow these tips to find the cheapest train ticket for your next trip.

  • Get a Railcard: This can save up to one-third of your costs across eligible journeys for a whole year.
  • Book in advance: Booking in advance will help you find the cheapest tickets. Most UK train companies release tickets up to 12 weeks in advance.
  • Travel off-peak: Travelling off-peak is the simplest way to save on your tickets. If you have flexible departure times, consider travelling during off-peak hours.

Get train-spired and head to our website to buy your train ticket to Leeds today. Trust Rail Online with your travel needs in the UK - we offer train tickets from London to various destinations across the UK at affordable prices. Whether you’re looking to travel to Leeds, Glasgow or Birmingham, rest assured that you can find tickets that suit your needs and preferences with us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for more information about your future trip from undefined? Our team at Rail Online have the answers to all your questions.

How long does the train from London to Leeds take?

On average, the train journey from London to Leeds takes around 2 to 3 hours on weekdays, while trips taken during th e weekend and holidays may take around 3 to 4 hours.

How much does the train from London to Leeds cost?

At Rail Online, our tickets can start from £16.60 but may change depending on your departure date, route, class and t ime of booking.Most UK train carriers increase their prices closer to the departure date - if you’re looking for a budge t-friendly ticket, we recommend booking your ticket a few months or weeks before your travel date.

What time does the first train from London to Leeds leave?

If you’re planning to travel on a weekday, you can catch the first train from Edinburgh at 04:55. The time of the fir st Edinburgh train to London may change during the weekend and holidays.

What's the distance between London and Leeds by train?

There is a distance of 169 miles (272 km) to cover between a London and Leeds train journey.

Which train companies operate between London and Leeds?

The train companies that operate between London and Leeds include Northern Rail, Grand Central, East Midlands Railway , London North Eastern Railway (LNER), Thameslink and CrossCountry trains. You can choose a train provider with services and amenities that suit your needs and preferences the best.

What to expect on your journey from London to Leeds?

You can enjoy various amenities during your journey, including at-seat service that offers snacks and drinks to purch ase, different seating options, free WiFi connection, plug sockets and ample space to store your luggage. However,differ ent train carriers may offer different amenities on board, so it’s best to double-check when buying your tickets.

Is there WiFi available on trains from London to Leeds?

Generally, all train providers would offer free, fast and unlimited WiFi connection on board.


What's the fastest journey time between London and Leeds by train?

The fastest train journey between London and Leeds takes around 2 hours.

Is there a direct train from London to Leeds?

Yes, you can travel directly from London to Leeds without changing trains along the way. There are at least 39 direct trains travelling to Leeds every day. If you’re travelling during the weekend or holidays,it’s best to check the train schedule on your exact travel date because there may be fewer direct services available on those days.

What time does the last train from London to Leeds leave?

You can catch the last train from London to Leeds at 23:33, however, the train may leave a little earlier during the weekend or holidays. Sleeper services may be available for late-night and early-morning departures.

When should you book your train tickets from London to Leeds?

If you book a train ticket for your trip to Leeds within the next 7 days, you probably can find tickets that cost aro und £31. But if you’re looking for good value tickets, you should consider booking your tickets 3 months before your pla nned travel date.

How many train services per day are there to Leeds from London?

Being a popular route, there are at least 40 direct train services running from London to Leeds on weekdays. There ma y be fewer services available during the weekend or holidays, so it’s always best to double-check the train schedule if you’re travelling on those days.

What's the difference between 1st and 2nd classes?

We recommend buying 1st Class tickets for anyone who prefers a quieter coach and spacious, comfortable seating that f eatures extra legroom, reclining function,plug sockets and USB ports. In addition, 1st Class tickets usually offer compl imentary meals and drinks on board, as well as access to lounges at selected train stations.

If you’re just looking for a budget-friendly travel option, 2nd Class still makes an ideal solution for a comfortable train journey.