
London to Cardiff

Save 61% on average when you buy in advance

Trains from London to Cardiff

Looking to spend some time in a city full of culture? Cardiff, situated in Wales, is a popular destination for travellers of all ages. So whether you want to explore the 600+ fairytale castles or go and watch a famous rugby game, there's something for everyone when travelling from London to Cardiff.

Travelling from London to Cardiff by train will take an average of 1 hour and 47 minutes covering a distance of 208 miles (129 km) across your journey. With up to 52 trains running along this service, daily travellers can find a convenient departure time to suit their itinerary plans in Cardiff. Find tickets for as little as £28.90* with Rail Online today.


Cheap train tickets from London to Cardiff

When visiting the largest city in Wales, Cardiff, you'll want to make sure you have enough money in your travel budget to tick off the list of places and experiences you want to visit. Finding affordable train tickets is an essential element for travellers who don't want to feel restricted in what they can do during their travels. Find all the tips and tricks from Rail Online on securing affordable train tickets for every trip you take.

  • Get a Railcard: When you use a railcard and oyster card together, you can save up to 1/3 of the costs across eligible trips. This means you can travel around the UK at a lowered rate.
  • Book in advance: Booking in advance is always an assured way to find cheaper tickets; most train carriers will have tickets available 12 weeks before departure.
  • Travel off-peak: Travelling off-peak means a more peaceful journey and a cheaper fare as the ticket demand is lowered in off-peak periods.
  • Utilise GroupSave: If you're travelling with 3-9 people, you can save up to 34% on eligible trips with off-peak and super off-peak fares.

Now that you've unlocked the secrets to affordable train travel, it's time to get train-spired for your upcoming holiday with Rail Online. Find current train timetables, carrier information and an endless selection of UK train services online, including your return trip from Cardiff to London.

Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for more information about your future trip from undefined? Our team at Rail Online have the answers to all your questions.

How long does the train from London to Cardiff take?

Travelling from London to Cardiff will take an average of 1 hour and 47 minutes. However, selected services can take up to 2 hours and 16 minutes. Your travel time will differ depending on the time of year and which day you are travellin g.

How much does the train from London to Cardiff cost?

Travelling from London to Cardiff will cost you as little as £28.90*. However, remember that your ticket price will r eflect the departure time, seat option and time of booking.

What time does the first train from London to Cardiff leave?

For travellers who prefer to travel early, you can find the earliest departure time at 04:23 along the journey from L ondon to Cardiff. This first departure time may change seasonally and on weekends and public holidays, with earlier trai ns available with various connections.

What's the distance between London to Cardiff by train?

When travelling from London to Cardiff, your journey will cover 208 miles (129 km).

What to expect on your journey from London to Cardiff?

Along your journey from London to Cardiff, you'll have quaint views of the English and Wales countryside. While there won't be any significant scenery to keep an eye out for, you'll get to experience the longest railway tunnel on the Bri tish rail network, the Severn Tunnel. This will also indicate that you've crossed from England into Wales.

Is there wifi available on trains from London to Cardiff?

Yes, free wifi is available on most trains from London to Cardiff Trains. If your train carrier has free wifi onboard , you'll be indicated by a blue wifi logo visible on the doors as you walk on the train carriage.

What's the fastest journey time between London to Cardiff by train?

Along selected train services between London to Cardiff, your journey can take as little as 1 hour and 47 minutes. TI P: Travelling in off-peak times will give you the best price.

Is there a direct train from London to Cardiff?

There are up to 52 trains that run along this service daily, with a large majority of direct services included. This ensures that travellers can find a departure time most convenient for them and their travel itinerary. It is, however, i mportant to remember that these daily running service frequencies may change on weekends and public holidays.

What time does the last train from London to Cardiff leave?

For travellers who prefer to fill their days and travel during the night, various late departures are available. The latest departure time for services from London to Cardiff is 22:48; this time may change depending on the time of year a nd across public holidays and weekends.

What other stations do London to Cardiff trains call at?

The fastest direct train from London to Cardiff will stop at Reading, Swindon (Wilts), Bristol Parkway and Newport (S outh Wales) stations.

What's the difference between 1st and 2nd classes?

First Class passengers can benefit from various onboard services, including food and beverages, wider and more comfor table seats, and exclusive access to First Class lounges at some stations. Second Class will still have all the standard amenities included in general train travel, including plenty of space, free luggage storage, and access to onboard food and beverages. Trains from London to Cardiff will also have ample bike storage for those that want to explore Cardiff b y bike.

How much cO2 will I save by taking this train journey?

By opting to travel by train instead of driving from London to Cardiff, you can save up to 20.3kg of cO2, creating a significantly lower carbon footprint from your travel.
