
York to London

Save 61% on average when you buy in advance

Trains from York to London

London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom. This 21st-century city has ties going back to the Roman era. In terms of landmarks, you can expect to find the iconic Houses of Parliament, the famous ‘Big Ben’ clock tower along with Westminster Abbey. Boasting plenty of historic, art and political sites, London is a fantastic travel destination for the entire family. Be sure to visit its large offering of shops, restaurants, museums and sporting arenas.

Good news: heading from York to London is simple. The journey can take as little as 1 hour and 47 minutes. You’ll cover approximately 174 miles (280 km) and be spoiled by the scenery. 83 trains take this route each day and tickets start at £16*. Book in advance with Rail Online for total convenience.


Find affordable train tickets from York to London

Heading to London for a holiday? You’ll want to find the best prices on tickets to ensure you can enjoy everything that this great city has to offer. The good news is at Rail Online we compare ticket prices for you and provide all the information you need to make your journey quick, easy, and stress-free. We pride ourselves on helping travellers to arrange their travel requirements seamlessly.

Use these tips to save money on your train trip from York to London:

  • Get a Railcard: When you use a Railcard and Oyster card together, you can save up to 1/3 of the costs across eligible trips. This means you can travel around the UK at a lowered rate.
  • Book in advance: Booking in advance is always an assured way to find cheaper tickets; most train carriers will have tickets available 12 weeks before departure
  • Travel off-peak: Travelling off-peak means a more peaceful journey and a cheaper fare as the demand for tickets is lowered in off-peak periods.
  • Utilise GroupSave: If you're travelling with 3-9 people, you can save up to 34% on eligible trips with off-peak and super off-peak fares.

Jump online to find up-to-date information about trains from York to London. We can help with timetables, carrier details, ticket prices and more.

Looking for a return trip? We can help with tickets from London to York too.

Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for more information about your future trip from undefined? Our team at Rail Online have the answers to all your questions.

How long does the train from York to London take?

The train from York to London takes up to 2 hours and 14 minutes on a non-direct service. There are approximately 83 trains per day that take this route. Your journey time may be impacted if you commute on weekends or holidays. Be sure t o check the train timetables carefully to plan your trip.

How much does the train from York to London cost?

Train tickets from York to London start at £16*. Prices will vary based on a number of factors such as the time of da y you travel, the class of your ticket, and your seat allocation. Remember that you can usually save money by traveling during off-peak times.

Is there a direct train from York to London?

There is indeed. You can catch a direct train from York to London, which will get you to your destination in approxim ately 1 hour and 47 minutes. There are 83 services in total each day, so be sure to check the schedule and plan your jou rney accordingly. If you have any questions about direct trains, you can always speak with a friendly support staff memb er.

How much CO2 will I save by taking this train journey?

Taking the train from York to London not only saves you time and hassle, but it's also a great way to help the planet ! By hopping on a train instead of driving, you'll be reducing your carbon footprint and making a positive impact on the environment. In fact, you can save up to 42.21 kg of CO2 emissions by choosing to travel by train.


Is there Wi-Fi available on trains from York to London?

You can enjoy free Wi-Fi on trains from York to London. So whether you’re catching up on work or watching a movie to relax, rest assured that you can always connect. Just keep an eye out for the blue Wi-Fi logos on the carriage doors.

What time does the first train from York to London leave?

Want to arrive in London as early as possible? The first train departs from York at 03:40. The services available may differ for weekends and public holidays.

What's the distance between York to London by train?

Trains from York to London cover a route that spans 174 miles (280 km). Expect plenty of wonderful views and a comfor table ride the whole way there. Not only is getting the train fun, but it is a sustainable way to travel which is good f or our planet and the environment.