
Manchester to Glossop

Save 61% on average when you buy in advance

Manchester to Glossop by Train

Travelling by train between Manchester and Glossop is a fast and affordable way to travel. Located on the western side of the Peak District National Park, this small picturesque town is the perfect entry point into the breathtaking sights the Peak District has to offer.

Train journeys between Manchester and Glossop take an average of 34 minutes, making it an accessible option for a day trip. 35 trains run daily between Manchester and Glossop, with many direct trains available over the 12-mile (20 km) route. The daily number of trains between Manchester and Glossop means you have flexibility in the time you choose to travel, allowing you to make the most of off-peak fares and other travel deals. Ticket prices for this trip start from £6.10.

Let Rail Online help you find the most affordable tickets between Manchester and Glossop! No matter when you choose to travel, we can provide plenty of train-spiration while planning your getaway.


Buy budget-friendly train tickets from Manchester to Glossop

We offer a variety of ticket options to help you find the best deals for your train journey. Alongside our range of fares, Rail Online has compiled some useful tips to assist you in securing the most cost-effective tickets for your trip from Manchester to Glossop:

  • Travel during off-peak hours: If you have flexibility in your departure time, consider travelling during off-peak hours. This will provide a more tranquil train ride and save you money on your fare.
  • Book in advance: Train operators typically offer tickets up to 12 weeks before departure, often the best time to secure the most affordable ticket prices.
  • Purchase a Railcard: A Railcard can help you save up to ⅓ on eligible fares throughout the UK.
  • Try GroupSave: If you're travelling with 3-9 people, use the GroupSave discount of up to 34% on eligible off-peak and super off-peak fares.

At Rail Online, we're here to assist you in planning your journey from start to finish. If you have any questions regarding your trip between Manchester and Glossop, including the return journey from Glossop to Manchester, please don't hesitate to contact us. Prepare to be inspired by the train and embark on an exciting adventure!

Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for more information about your future trip from undefined? Our team at Rail Online have the answers to all your questions.

What's the difference between 1st and 2nd classes?

First Class tickets will include access to a bunch of perks when travelling by train. You’ll find larger seats with e xtra legroom, food and drink service directly to you, and access to exclusive First Class lounges at selected stations a round the UK, so you can wait in comfort and style for your train to arrive. However, if a First Class ticket is not in your budget, Standard class tickets offer you a comfortable and peaceful journey, with access to WiFi, food and drinks. Note that not all train routes will offer a First Class option.

How long does the train from Manchester to Glossop take?

The train journey from Manchester to Glossop takes an average of 34 minutes to travel the 12 miles (12 km) separating the two cities. Travel time can vary depending on the day and time you choose to travel.

How much does the train from Manchester to Glossop cost?

The cost of the train journey from Manchester to Glossop can vary depending on the travel date. Fares can start from £6.10*, and you have a better chance of locking in this budget-friendly fare when you book in advance.

What time does the first train from Manchester to Glossop leave?

The first train from Manchester to Glossop typically departs around 04:52 but can change depending on your travel dat e.

What's the distance between Manchester to Glossop by train?

The distance between Manchester and Glossop by train is approximately 12 miles (20 km).

Is there WiFi available on trains from Manchester Piccadilly to Glossop?

Trains running from Manchester to Glossop should have WiFi available for travellers. Most UK train stations are equip ped with free WiFi services if your particular train does not, so you can connect your device as soon as you disembark.< /p>

What's the fastest journey time between Manchester to Glossop by train?

The fastest journey between Manchester and Glossop is usually around 30 minutes. This can change depending on the spe cific train service and the day and time you choose to travel.

Is there a direct train from Manchester to Glossop?

Yes, there are direct train services available from Manchester to Glossop.

What time does the last train from Manchester to Glossop leave?

The last train from Manchester to Glossop typically departs in the late evening, around 22:29. This could change depe nding on the date that you choose to travel.

Is travelling by train more sustainable?

Train travel is not only an affordable travel option but a sustainable one. You can significantly reduce your carbon footprint by choosing to commute via train. Trains emit fewer CO2 emissions per individual than other transportation for ms, making it both an affordable and environmentally friendly option.
