
Trains from London to Edinburgh

Save 61% on average when you buy in advance

Trains from London to Edinburgh (Waverley)

Travelling to Edinburgh by train from the busy streets of London is the perfect stress-free option for all travellers. Whether you're spending a weekend away to explore a new part of Scotland's gorgeous landscape or going away on business, Rail Online will help all travellers feel train-spired and ready to find the best cost-effective solution for their travel plans.

Travelling from London to Edinburgh can take 4 hours and 10 minutes. With 69 daily train services trains running on this popular line, you'll easily find a train from London that fits in with your schedule without having to wait around.

Catching your direct London to Edinburgh train will see you starting your journey at the iconic King's Cross station (riding with London North Eastern Railway (LNER) and Lumo) or Euston station (travelling with Avanti West Coast). Find tickets for your Edinburgh trip from as little as £19.90* with Rail Online today.


How to Find Cheap Train Tickets from London to Edinburgh

Whether you're well-travelled or jumping on an Edinburgh-bound train for the first time, finding the best available fares is always going to be high on your list of priorities. We know that travellers will also prefer to spend more on sightseeing or a special dinner than transport, which is why we always offer the cheapest tickets for your journey.

For those who want to get the absolute most from their London to Edinburgh train tickets, there are a few tips (other than choosing Rail Online) to help you find the best cost-effective travel solution.

  • Get a Railcard: This can save up to one-third of your costs across eligible journeys for a whole year.
  • Book in advance: Booking in advance will help you find the cheapest tickets. Most UK train companies release tickets up to 12 weeks in advance.
  • Travel off-peak: Travelling off-peak is the simplest way to save on your tickets. If you have flexible departure times, consider travelling during off-peak hours.
  • Use GroupSave: If you're travelling in a group of 3-9 people at off-peak and super off-peak times, you can be eligible to save up to 34% on your London to Edinburgh train tickets.

Now that you're ready to find the most affordable tickets for your London to Edinburgh trip head to Rail Online to find the right train for your journey. You can find all the information you need, including train schedules, organising your return trip home from Edinburgh to London and more, on our website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for more information about your future trip from London to Edinburgh ? Our team at Rail Online have the answers to all your questions.

How long does the train from London to Edinburgh (Waverley) take?

Travelling from London to Edinburgh on the LNER high-speed train can take just 4 hours and 10 minutes. The remaining trains on this journey will take an average of 5 hours and 30 minutes between London and Edinburgh. It’s important to re member that these estimations may change when travelling during peak times or on the weekends.

What's the fastest journey time between London and Edinburgh (Waverley) by train?

The fastest journey takes 4 hours and 10 minutes, compared to standard trains which take just over 5 hours and 30 min utes.

Do I need a paper ticket to travel from London to Edinburgh (Waverly)?

Electronic tickets can be used when travelling between London to Edinburgh (Waverly). Make sure your phone is fully c harged before you arrive at the station to ensure you can get through the turnstile without any issues.

When does the first train from London to Edinburgh (Waverley) leave?

The first train that leaves from London is at 4:45 am. The time of the first London to Edinburgh train may change dur ing the weekend and holidays.

What's the distance between London and Edinburgh (Waverley) by train?

There is a distance of 332 miles (534 km) to cover between London and Edinburgh (Waverly).

Is there a direct train from Edinburgh to London?

Yes, various direct train routes are available when travelling from Edinburgh to London. Remember that these times and route options may change during weekends and holidays.

What's the difference between 1st and 2nd classes?

2nd class train tickets between London and Edinburgh will have various seating options with front-facing chairs or grouped seating with tables. In addition, 2nd class will have f requent food trolleys for those that want to buy something. For travellers who want to spend their journey in comfort, 1st class offers more spacious seating, including extra legroo m and reclining seats, complimentary refreshments and snacks and lounge access in certain stations.

How much cO2 will I save by taking this train journey?

When travelling from London to Edinburgh via train, you can save between 87.68kg and 89.44kg of cO2 compared to travelling by car. If you’re considering travelling across the UK, train travel is one of the most eco-friendly and affordable options available for you.


What does the journey from London to Edinburgh (Waverly) look like?

Most trains from London to Edinburgh (Waverly) will leave from two of London’s busiest and most iconic stations, King s Cross Station and Euston station. These stations are just a short walk from some of London’s most famous attractions, including the British Museum and the British Library. However, it doesn’t matter where in London you’ve spent your time - whether you’ve visited the Victoria and Albert Museum in Kensington or Kenwood House in Hampstead, it’s easy to get to Kings Cross or Euston stations with a short trip on the London Underground. In fact, most major stations in central Lon don, such as Liverpool Street Station, Moorgate station, Farringdon station or Fenchurch Street station, have either dir ect or fast access to Kings Cross and Euston stations. You’ll be at the turnstile for your London to Edinburgh (Waverly ) train before you know it.

From here, the train will head towards the northern part of London (if you take the train from Kings Cross, you’ll he ad through the Gasworks Tunnel first). The train will speed through Finsbury Park station and Holloway and Caledonian Ro ad railway station, to name a few of the picturesque outer London suburbs you’ll see. The train’s first major town to pa ss through will be Peterborough. Depending on your route, you’ll also stop at Doncaster railway station, York and Durham before finally arriving at Edinburgh (Waverley) railway station.

How much does the train from London to Edinburgh (Waverley) cost?

At Rail Online, we pride ourselves on offering affordable train tickets for your London to Edinburgh trip. Our ticket s can start from £19.90* but may change depending on your departure time, route, class and time of booking.

Is there a direct train from London to Edinburgh (Waverley)?

Yes, for those who want to reach Edinburgh as soon as possible, direct train journeys are available each day. These t rain routes may be more limited in the services and times available and will depend on your exact departure date.

When does the last train from London to Edinburgh (Waverley) leave?

The last train you can catch on your journey from London to Edinburgh leaves at 10:50 pm, although this may change on weekends and holidays. There may be sleeper services available for both late-night and early-morning departures

Is there a high-speed train from London to Edinburgh?

Yes, there are two train lines that offer the fastest travelling times for your London to Edinburgh route; the InterC ity-Express operated by Avanti West Coast and LNER` s high-speed train. The InterCity-Express can take you between the c apital of England and Scotland in 5 hours and 30 minutes, whereas the LNER high-speed train will take around 4 hours and 10 minutes.

urity, board your flight and repeat the process, you may only save about an hour of your time when compared to a high-speed train option. Taking a train is a convenient and cost-eff ective way to travel and enjoy the natural scenery.

What to expect on your journey from London to Edinburgh?

Your train journey from London to Edinburgh will take you through scenic routes with views of stunning coasts, Durham Cathedral, Lindisfarne and much more. The trip will take you from one city centre to another with magnificent views and smooth travelling. Depending on your ticket and train carrier, you can expect luggage storage on board as well as buffet counters,

Is there wifi available on trains from London to Edinburgh?

Most trains running from London to Edinburgh will offer complimentary wifi for all passengers, which can be accessed through an online log-in to your train carriers website.