
London to Chichester

Save 61% on average when you buy in advance

Trains from London to Chichester

Situated along the south coast, Chichester is a charming and historic destination that's perfect for visitors looking to experience the beauty of the English countryside. Known for its stunning cathedral and unique shops, such as the charming Chichester Cross and the famous Pallant House Gallery. Visitors can also explore the beautiful Chichester Harbour and the nearby West Wittering Beach, known for its picturesque sandy dunes and crystal-clear waters, as well as the Fishbourne Roman Palace and the Weald and Downland Living Museum to learn about the history behind this coastal town.

Travelling from London to Chichester will take about 1 hour and 29 minutes to cover 55 miles (88 km). With an average of 73 trains running along this journey, daily travellers can find a departure time that best suits their itinerary and budget to reach their coastal destination. Find tickets for as little as £5.78* with Rail Online; get your life on track.


Cheap train tickets from London to Chichester

When it comes to travelling by train from London to Chichester, we understand that getting the best value for your money is crucial. At Rail Online, we're committed to helping you make the most of your travel plans by providing you with tips and tricks for finding the most affordable train fares that suit your requirements.

So, if you're keen to save even more on your upcoming journey, take a look at our suggestions for finding the cheapest train tickets available.

  • Get a Railcard: Throughout the year, qualifying trips can be discounted by up to 33% with a Railcard. What's more, combining it with an Oyster card can give you reduced fares for travel across the UK.
  • Book in advance:Making a reservation for your train ticket in advance can be advantageous in terms of time, money, and stress since UK train companies usually release tickets up to 12 weeks prior to departure.
  • Travel Off-Peak: If you're looking to cut down on train expenses and have a more comfortable travel experience, consider booking your trip for off-peak hours.
  • Use GroupSave: If you're organising a group trip with your friends, keep in mind that Off-Peak and Super Off-Peak fares provide considerable savings on eligible journeys. For groups made up of 3 to 9 individuals, these fare options can help you save up to 34% of your travel costs.

Find everything you need for your upcoming trip with Rail Online. Our website has all current timetables, a huge range of train journeys across the UK and an easy booking process, which means you can easily organise your return trip home from Chichester to London without worry.

Frequently Asked Questions

Looking for more information about your future trip from undefined? Our team at Rail Online have the answers to all your questions.

How long does the train from London to Chichester take?

The train from London to Chichester takes around 1 hour and 29 minutes on its quickest route, but depending on your d eparture day, time, or route option can take up to 1 hour and 46 minutes to complete.

How much does the train from London to Chichester cost?

Getting from London to Chichester by train can cost as little as £5.78* when you choose Rail Online. Depending on the route option you choose, the seat class and how close to your departure time you buy your tickets, this initial price c an change slightly.

What time does the first train from London to Chichester leave?

The first train leaves from London towards Chichester at 04:54. This gives travellers plenty of time to get to their weekend getaway destination before the day has truly begun. Just keep in mind that the time of this first departure may change across weekend and holiday periods.

What's the distance between London to Chichester by train?

Between London to Chichester you'll cover a distance of 55 miles (88 km).

What's the difference between 1st and 2nd classes?

First and second-class tickets are available for travellers who want to find tickets that match their budget or allow them to travel in added comfort if they desire. While you won't have first-class seating options between London and Chi chester with Southern Railway, this carrier does offer many other journeys with first-class services.

What's the fastest journey time between London to Chichester by train?

The fastest route available between London and Chichester takes as little as 1 hour and 29 minutes to complete. Howev er, this running time can slightly change depending on the route option you've chosen as well as across weekend and holi day periods.

Is there a direct train from London to Chichester?

Yes, there are about 73 direct trains that run daily between London and Chichester, giving travellers plenty of choic e in finding a departure time that perfectly suits their itinerary. The frequencies of these trains may change across we ekend and holiday periods.

What time does the last train from London to Chichester leave?

The last train that leaves from London towards Chichester is at 23:17. This late last departure gives travellers plen ty of time to finish their busy day and start the first official day of their trip fresh in this west Sussex town. Just remember that this last departure time may change around weekends and holiday periods.

How much CO2 will I save by taking this train journey?

When choosing to travel by train, you're opting for a more environmentally friendly mode of transport. On your journe y from London to Chichester, you can save up to 90% of the pollution you would when flying and over half when driving.

Is there wifi available on trains from London to Chichester?

Yes, Southern Railway offers complimentary wifi on most of their trains. If your train has free wifi, you'll be able to tell if there's a blue wifi logo on the door to your carriage.
